26 Jul 5 common mistakes of self-studying for IELTS
Self-studying for IELTS is the way young people today choose because of their initiative and flexibility in time. However, there are also many of you who have studied IRLTS on their own for a long time and still have not significantly improved their level? This dilemma may be because you are making mistakes in choosing the IELTS self-study method. Choosing the right and appropriate method is the most important criterion when deciding to self-study IELTS, especially the IELTS self-study method for beginners.
Let’s see if you are facing the following mistakes?
The study time allocation is not specific and reasonable
In order for IELTS self-study for beginners to bring the desired results, you need to make IELTS a daily habit with a detailed and appropriate study plan. This means that you need to have a sense of self-discipline and a high spirit of perseverance to be able to maintain the journey to conquer IELTS.
Most young people choose to self-study IELTS to be more active in their study time. However, time flexibility is a double-edged sword, causing stagnation, and you usually only study IELTS when you have free time because it is governed by many factors (going to school, going to school, going to school, going to school, going to school, going to school, etc. work, overtime, etc.). Therefore, self-studying for IELTS will not take place as a regular and regular habit.
Do not select IELTS study materials
Another equally serious mistake that affects self-studying for IELTS for beginners is not knowing how to choose the right study materials for your level and ability. There are many young people who are self-studying for IELTS nowadays who will buy or download an IELTS book immediately after reading a good review about it. There are also many of you who have the habit of collecting and saving as much material as possible so that it can be easier to find later.
However, these will make it difficult for most self-learners when faced with a huge “IELTS book library” not knowing where to start, or using a lot of material for a single skill. best. The overuse of many sources of material is not really effective, sometimes it also slows down the process of acquiring knowledge, confusing knowledge. This is extremely ominous for those who are just starting to learn IELTS.
Once you have developed a specific IELTS learning path, continue to plan the use of appropriate materials for each stage. You should also note that only 1-2 materials are used for each skill at the beginner stage. When choosing books, you should also consult, ask for opinions and share from lecturers or predecessors, or a reputable center to choose an appropriate reference source.
Only choose to learn difficult and complex vocabulary
Constantly cramming a lot of difficult, long and complex vocabulary will cause side effects. Many of you still mistakenly believe that when using complex words, it is easier to get a higher score in the exam, and only select difficult words to learn. However, just learning and using complex words will make the expression confusing and unnatural.
Instead, learn common words commonly used by native speakers. Also, it’s a good idea to learn phrases instead of single words, and read more examples of new words when you look them up in the dictionary for faster memorization and better use of words.
Often do not focus on speaking and writing skills
The biggest barrier for young people when self-studying for IELTS is the problems of speaking and writing practice. Obstacles to practice often make it easy to ignore them. For the process of learning IELTS for beginners, English thinking as well as reflective skills, interacting with the language are not proficient enough, vocabulary/grammar is still limited to be able to answer. Dialogue and argument in English quickly and fluently. This will lead to problems with rambling, or using inappropriate words and grammar.
Regarding Speaking, this situation can be improved by learning and practicing the 5W1H (What – Where – When – Who – Why – How) idea when talking about any topic so that you can practice. How to think and arrange enough ideas when speaking, and always upgrade vocabulary and grammar to improve speaking efficiency.
Regarding Writing, start practicing writing simple sentences and paragraphs every day, and then progress to more complex sentences and paragraphs, and finally practice writing full length essays. You should also familiarize yourself with the sample test formats to understand the main types of writing so that you can guide your practice better.
However, in order to avoid learning deviation or just learning the skills you like, you should refer to the Comprehensive 4-skills IELTS preparation course at IC Da Lat to be able to review and develop equally Listening – Speaking – Reading Writing, shortening practice time but bringing more efficiency to the process of conquering IELTS.
Practice without guilt
This is a serious misconception that makes the IELTS learning process go downhill. Don’t just focus on practicing problem solving, but don’t focus on strengthening the basic foundation of vocabulary, grammar, and knowledge. This does not bring any effect to your IELTS self-study process, on the contrary, it creates more and more serious knowledge gaps because you only go from the top and forget the problems in the original part.
Correct visualization of common mistakes when self-studying IELTS will help you improve your own IELTS journey with the right orientation and learning method in each stage.
For most of today’s busy working people, self-studying for IELTS is often much more difficult when they have to build a regular self-study habit and arrange a reasonable timetable for their own self-study route.
However, in order for your IELTS journey to be complete, planned and effective, the team of experienced consultants and lecturers at IC Da Lat will assist you in orienting your IELTS learning route. Even for busy people. The courses are designed to suit your limited time, using professional textbooks and applications to help you learn and interact with the language effectively through flexible and modern learning methods. . All the problems you are facing when self-studying for IELTS will be thoroughly solved with well-researched and developed courses at IC Da Lat, accompanying you step by step to conquer your IELTS goals. .
Visit http://en.icdalat.edu.vn/courses/ to consult and find the right course at IC Da Lat!